Elsbeth Takkenberg & Christopher Carnie
Föreläsningar/Seminars: The major donor and you: the perfect match!
Two experienced major gifts fundraisers and teachers. Tips, trends and practical advice about major donors. And you! It’s the perfect mixture for 45 minutes of intensive work on major donors.
Who are these major donors? How can you find them? What do they like…and not like? What is new and changing in philanthropy? How should we – fundraisers, partnership managers, managers and boards – relate to these philanthropists? But above all, how do you – your personality, your skills, your strengths and yes, your weaknesses – fit in to the world of major donor fundraising?
Chris and Elsbeth will help you answer these questions, and understand:
• How to identify major donors
• How to understand their motivations, wishes and expectations
• How to develop the three key relationships necessary for your work with major donors
• Your own strengths and your role in major donor fundraising
The seminars are aimed at fundraising directors and managers, fundraisers interested in broadening their skills.
Elsbeth and Christopher will do two seminars at Insamlingsforum with two different perspectives (both will be in English):
Wednesday: ”The major donor and you: the perfect match – Softskills in Major Donor Fundraising”
In a hands-on session, Christopher Carnie and Elsbeth Takkenberg will lead you through the real-life practice of major donor fundraising, using case studies of real philanthropists with whom they have worked. The focus is on you, your personality, your story, your concerns and your energy, and how to use those resources to build relationships with philanthropists. We will practice and build on your strengths in the class.
Thursday: ”Major donors for your organisation: finding them, cultivating them, keeping them. The hard skills of major donor fundraising”
You have read the manual on major donor fundraising, but where to start? In a hands-on session, Christopher Carnie and Elsbeth Takkenberg will lead you through the real-life practice of major donor prospecting, ranking, cultivating, asking, and building that long lasting relationship. We will teach you the basics of major donor fundraising techniques, focussing on the Swedish market.
About Christopher Carnie:
Christopher is a consultant and researcher in philanthropy, and an active fundraiser. He focuses on high-value philanthropy in Europe and works with foundations, NGOs, cultural organisations and philanthropists, with special interests in venture philanthropy, and philanthropy in the Arabic-speaking world. Christopher is the author of “How Philanthropy is Changing in Europe,” along with other books and writings. He teaches fundraising strategy at the universities of Barcelona and Santiago de Compostela, and with Elsbeth Takkenberg has developed the online course “Fundraising from Major Donors in Europe”.
About Elsbeth Takkenberg:
With 25 years of experience in the Dutch non-profit sector, Elsbeth is people-person, highly experienced in building long lasting and meaningful relationships between (major) donors and non-profits. The experience and the story of the donor and the talents of the relationship manager are always the starting point. Since 2019, she is working as an independent strategic advisor on major gift- and legacy fundraising for national and international organizations and teams, including the cultural sector.