How to create a favourable environment for citizen investment in civil society organisations?
Giva Sverige har tillsammans med Civic Alliance – Latvia och Estonian Network of Non-Profit Organizations inom ramen för projektet “Increasing citizen investments in a sustainable civil society in the Baltic Sea region” tagit fram underlag om allmänhetens och näringslivets intresse och vilja att stödja ett aktivt civilsamhälle. Den 10 november 13.00 – 15.30 leder Civic Alliance – Latvia ett seminarium online för att dela erfarenheterna från de tre länderna och diskutera vad hur vi kan öka engagemang och stöd från allmänhet och näringsliv för civilsamhället nationellt och i Östersjöregionen. Kolla programmet nedan och anmäl dig!
In July and August of this year, the Civic Alliance – Latvia, together with the project partners Estonian Network of Non-Profit Organizations and Giva Sverige conducted a survey to find out the views of non-governmental, business and public support for active civil society. Which are their choices to support or not to support, including how to support the civil society in Covid-19 crisis. The seminar on November 10 will present conclusions, finding in the surveys, good examples and challenges for civil society, as well as discuss solutions at the national and Baltic Sea region level.
The discussion is organized by the association Civic Alliance Latvia within the project “Increasing citizen investments in a sustainable civil society in the Baltic Sea region”. The discussion has been organized with the financial support from the Nordic Council of Ministers