
Sammanställningen nedan av forskningsinstitutioner är delvis hämtad från ERNOP, The European Research Network on Philanthropy. ERNOP är ett nätverk av forskare runt om i världen som fokuserar på filantropi och civilsamhället och som arbetar för att sprida forskningsresultat till en större målgrupp. Mer finns att läsa här.


Center for Philantrophic Studies

Academic disciplines:
Sociology, Public Administration, Social Psychology, Demography, Economics, Communication Science

Philanthropy keywords:
Giving, Volunteering, Foundations, Donation of bodily material, Grantmaking, Crowdfunding

Key RQs:
• Who gives what, when, where, and why, and to what effect?
• What are the effects of restrictions on funding practices by grantmaking organizations on the effectiveness of grantee organizations?
• How do civil society organizations affect the size, composition and effectiveness of philanthropy?
• How can we understand and explain the donation of bodily material?
• What is the impact of institutions and regulation on philanthropy and on its impact in society?
• How is crowdfunding different from other types of fundraising?


ESADE Center for Social Impact

Academic disciplines:
Social Entrepreneurship, Organization Theory, Strategic Management

Philanthropy keywords:
Venture Philanthropy, Social Impact Investment, Social Entrepreneurship, Impact Measurement and Management

Key RQs:
• How can foundations collaborate and learn to generate greater impact?
• How can philanthropy unleash the potential of catalytic capital?
• How can place-based organizations measure and manage systemic impact?
• How to assess the value-add of non-financial support in venture philanthropy?
• How can Gender-Lens Investing contribute to the growth and relevance of impact investing?


Centre for Philantrophic Studies

Academic disciplines:
Business Administration, Economics, Law, Sociology, Psychology, Regional studies

Philanthropy keywords:
NPO-Management, Cross-sector collaboration, Individual philanthropy, NPO Law & Economics, Data on Philanthropy

Key RQs:
• How can NPOs and foundations/philanthropists improve their effectiveness and efficiency?
• How can NPOs and foundations be better managed?
• How does philanthropy benefit the society?
• How does the nonprofit of the future look like?
• How do philanthropic organizations function in various jurisdictions?
• What are the factors influencing philanthropy of individuals and what changes their strength?


Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory

Academic disciplines:
Philosophy, Sociology, Anthropology, Political Science, Legal studies

Philanthropy keywords:
Solidarity, Care, Philanthropy, Welfare, Justice

Key RQs:
• What are the manifestations and drivers of philanthropy, solidarity and care?
• Who and how defines a person or a group in need of care and support?
• Is caring for others a matter of good will or a matter of justice?
• To what extent should we rely on the state, and how much should we depend on the voluntary activities of individuals and organizations for the provision of care and welfare for each individual and the society as a whole?
• What constitutes interdependancies between care mainstreaming and security?

brno – masaryk university

Center for Nonprofit Sector Research

Academic disciplines:
Economics, Law, Management, Public Administration

Philanthropy keywords:
Financial management, Sustainability, Charitable giving, Publicnonprofit patnership, Civil society transformation

Key RQs:
• What factors affect the financial sustainability and vulnerability of nonprofit organizations?
• What is the impact of public policies and regulation on the behaviour of the nonprofit organizations?
• What are the specifics of the provision of public services by nonprofit organizations?
• What are the ways of effective internal capacity building of nonprofit organizations in relation to their readiness for crisis

brussels – kU leuven

Department of marketing

Academic disciplines:
Nonprofit marketing, Sustainable marketing, Consumer behavior, Service marketing, Marketing strategy, Retailing, Sports marketing

Philanthropy keywords:
Fundraising ethics, Fundraising, Charitable giving, Donor psychology

Key RQs:
• How do various stakeholders’ ethical beliefs about fundraising look like, and why?
• How to approach ethics in fundraising?
• What is the impact of fundraising ethics on fundraising effectiveness?
• How does the general public respond to nonprofit scandals, and why?
• How to motivate individuals to donate to a nonprofit?


Centre for Philantrophy

Academic disciplines:
Philanthropic Studies, Social Policy, Sociology

Philanthropy keywords:
Major donors, Charitable giving, Fundraising, Voluntary action, Philanthropic citizenship

Key RQs:
• What is the role and purpose of philanthropy?
• Who gives, to what causes, and why?
• What qualities and skills underlie successful fundraising?
• How do children and young people learn to give?
• How can public policy best support the philanthropy sector?

geneve – UNIVERSITY OF geneva

Geneva Centre for Philantrophy

Academic disciplines:
Law, Economics, Management, Affective sciences, Business ethics, Psychology

Philanthropy keywords:
Taxation and philanthropy, Social entrepreneurship, Hybrid entities, Artificial intelligence, Governance of foundations, Democracy

Key RQs:
• Why and how to design-tax incentives for the common good?
• Why Social entrepreneurship and Corporate Social Responsability (CSR) could be the key drivers to achieve the Agenda 2030?
• Why do people give?
• How can foundations governance be more efficient?
• What are the use and impact of AI on philanthropy and what can philanthropy do to promote ethical and inclusive AI?

hamburg – hamburg university

Chair for management of public, private, and non-profit organizations

Academic disciplines:
Business administration, Economics, Sociology, Law

Philanthropy keywords:
Relationship marketing, Blood donor marketing, Nonprofit financial management, Refugee integration, Civil society

Key RQs:
• Why do blood donors stop giving?
• How do nonprofit organizations build long-term relationships with the next generation of donors?
• What are the service needs of refugees and barriers to integration?
• What pressures keep nonprofit organizations from investing in their organizational infrastructure?
• What does it take to transform prosocial motivation into prosocial behavior?

heidelberg – heidelberg university

Centre for Social Investment

Academic disciplines:
Sociology, Political science, Economics, Law, Protestant theology, Social geography

Philanthropy keywords:
Strategy, Roles of philanthropy, Impact, Partner/grantee perception reporting, Governance, Foundations concepts and historical forms in Europe

Key RQs:
• How can we better understand social investments, civil society and namely philanthropy in an international, cross- cultural and inter-temporal perspective?
• How do processes of social innovation work?
• What is the contribution of civil society towards social innovation and social problem-solving?
• How can philanthropic organizations develop high-impact strategies?
• What could a diachronically and cross-culturally sustainable theory of philanthropy look like that combines social science modelling with perspectives from outside Western Europe from the fields of antiquity, regional studies, and religious studies?

KÖPENHAMN – business school

Centre for Civil Society Studies

Academic disciplines:
History, Sociology, Organizational science, Philosophy, Political economy, Law

Philanthropy keywords:
Historical, Gift-giving, Reciprocity, Citizenship Economy, Foundations, Democracy

Key RQs:
• How has philanthropic gift-giving practices (conceptualizing, categorizing & organizing) influenced the development of the welfare state?
• How has the historical changing definitions of “the common good” simultaneously effected philanthropic practices and societal organization?
• How has, from a comparative perspective, private philanthropy’s gift-giving been regulated and organized over time?
• What role do elites of and in civil society play in governance structures?
• Which role does civil society play in civilizing the economy (e.g. through foundations, democratic business, associative governance, etc.)?

LAUSANNE – IMD business school

Debiopharm Chair for Family Philanthropy

Academic disciplines:
Philanthropy, Family Business, Entrepreneurship, Management, Governance

Philanthropy keywords:
Family Philanthropy, Family Business, Family Foundation, Family Mission, Family Governance

Key RQs:
• What drives enterprising families to give?
• How do enterprising families organize their giving?
• How can enterprising families give more effectively or become more efficient at their giving?
• How can family philanthropists leverage the existing governance mechanisms to better support their giving?
• How does philanthropy affect the family business, the enterprising family itself and vice-versa?


Centre for Social Economy

Academic disciplines:
Management, Sociology, Economics

Philanthropy keywords:
Social impact, Impact finance, Foundations, Field structuring dynamics, Social entrepreneurship

Key RQs:
• How is the field of philanthropy in Belgium evolving?
• What are the focal points and areas of concern in the meeting and collaboration between impact finance and social entrepreneurship?
• How do new philanthropic practices (especially new technologies) impact the non-profit field?
• How can social entrepreneurs better seize the notion of social impact
• How does philanthropy affect the family business, the enterprising family itself and vice-versa?

linköping – linköping university


Academic disciplines:
Economics, Behavioural science

Philanthropy keywords:
The interaction between intuition, reflection and emotion in financial decision-making

Key RQs:
• When and why are individuals willing to give up their own gain to help others?
• When and why do individuals make risky financial decisions?
• How do people value payoffs at different times?
• How can the decision-making process be improved so that people make better decisions?

oslo – institute for social research

Centre for Research On Civil Society and Voluntary Sector

Academic disciplines:
Political science, Sociology, Economics

Philanthropy keywords:
Volunteering, Voluntary organization, Voluntary sector, Civic engagement, Social change

Key RQs:
• What are the antecedents, characteristics, forms and effects of volunteering and civic engagement and how do they change over time?
• How do societal, technological and political factors contribute to the transformation of the size, scope of the third sector and its components?
• What are the main income sources of the third sector and how do they evolve over time?
• How do public policies impact on the economy of the third sector and vice versa?
• How do to third sector organizations contribute to democracy?

paris, cergy – essec business school

Philantrophy Chair

Academic disciplines:
Organization Theory, Management, History, Sociology, Social psychology

Philanthropy keywords:
Impact, Institutionalization, History, Hybridity, Strategy

Key RQs:
• What are the different strategies that philanthropic organizations can adopt?
• How do philanthropic ideas & practices evolve over time?
• How do foundations collectively tackle climate change?
• How do foundations construct their decisions to support grantees?
• What does systems change mean for philanthropy?
• What is the role of philanthropy in cross-sector partnerships?

rotterdam – erasmus university

Rotterdam school of management

Academic disciplines:
Business Administration

Philanthropy keywords:
Corporate Philanthropy, Volunteering, Volunteer Management, Corporate Foundations, Civil Society

Key RQs:
• How to sustain voluntary & philanthropic energy?
• What is the added value of philanthropy and volunteering?
• How can volunteers be managed?
• How can we understand civil Society as a concept and in relation to the government and business?
• How are (endowed) foundations managed?

st. andrews – university of st. andrews

Centre for the Study of Philanthropy and Public Good

Academic disciplines:
Public Policy, Management, Sociology

Philanthropy keywords:
Foundations, Institutions of philanthropy, Community/engaged philanthropy, History of philanthropy, Socio-cultural roles, Norms and expressions of philanthropy

Key RQs:
• What are the individual and organizational expressions and motives of philanthropy?
• What are the theories, concepts and sites of philanthropy?
• What is the story of philanthropy, and what lessons and insights does it offer across cultures, time and space?
• How do philanthropy and society interact, and what are the effects, impacts and outcomes of philanthropic activities?
• What are the different facets and expressions of public good, the accompanying policies and regulatory environments, and how do we identify, achieve and assess public good?


Centre for Civil Society Research

Academic disciplines:
Political Science, Social Work, Sociology, Business Administration, History

Philanthropy keywords:
Charitable giving, Volunteering, Welfare services, Voluntary social work, History of philanthropy

Key RQs:
• Who gives to what and how do patterns in giving change over time?
• How are different types of civic engagement combined cumulatively in an active citizenship?
• What is the significance of giving and volunteering in relation to a universal welfare state, historically, today and in the future?
• What are the emerging trends in the philanthropic sector in Sweden and what are their significance in a broader perspective?

tel-aviv – tel-aviv UNIVERSITY

Institute for Law and Philanthropy

Academic disciplines:
Economics, Law, Organizational Theory, Philosophy, Sociology and Anthropology

Philanthropy keywords:
Data on giving and nonprofits, Cross-sector collaboration, Institutional philanthropy and foundations, Gender, Justice and democracy

Key RQs:
• How to map and follow donations from varied resources to non-profits in Israel?
• How do tax regulations effect giving and non-profit sector in Israel?
• What is the role for philanthropic foundations in Israel?
• How do foundations and government collaborate and to what effect?
• How does philanthropy relate to democracy and justice?

vaduz – UNIVERSITY of liechtenstein

Center for Philanthropy

Academic disciplines:
Law, Empirical studies

Philanthropy keywords:
Charitable foundations, Volunteering, Donations

Key RQs:
• What does the philanthropic landscape in Liechtenstein look like?
• Which are the major global developments in philanthropy with relevance for the civic sector in Liechtenstein?
• How can charitable foundations maximise their impact?
• To which extent and for what purposes do citizens in Liechtenstein volunteer?
• How does the legal, fiscal, and societal environment for philanthropy in Liechtenstein compare to other countries?

wien – wirtschaftsuniversität wien

Institute for Nonprofit Management; NPO Competence
Center; Social Entrepreneurship Center

Academic disciplines:
Business Administration, Management, Nonprofit Management

Philanthropy keywords:
Individual philanthropic engagement (donations, volunteering), Foundations, Cross-sector collaborations (e.g. social impact bonds, corporate volunteering), Impact Investment, Collaboration

Key RQs:
• How do nonprofit organizations contribute to society, and what do they need to fulfil their pivotal societal functions?
• How do contextual and individual factors make individuals to engage in philanthropy and to donate/volunteer to/in particular
fields of charity?
• What are the motives, practices and consequences of non-profit organizations’ collaborations with businesses (e.g. social impact bonds, corporate volunteering)?
• What are the support needs of social entrepreneurs/of immigrant entrepreneurs