Seminarium med Betternow: Anatomy of a successful fundraiser

What makes for a successful fundraiser?
– Who are they?
– How do they fundraise?
– What activities work best?
– What are their characteristics?
In this webinar we will go though the anatomy of what makes a succesful fundraiser. Both the personal characteristics of the person, but especially their fundraising behaviour and what you (and we) can do to encourage that behaviour.
Expect data driven content, where we will dig deep into BetterNow’s data chest and find key metrics and behaviour that predict fundraiser success.
It will hopefully help you design better campaigns and be better at spotting great fundraisers.
Date and time: Thursday the 26h of November, 10am – 10.30am, followed by a Q&A.
Duration: 30 minutes + Q&A
Attendance is free, registration is required.
The language will be English.