Discovering the Power of Peer-to-Peer Fundraising

Jillian Stewart från PeerWorks håller en endagskurs den 8 oktober inom sitt kompetensområde peer-to-peer fundraising.
Most likely, you already have a community of donors… but wouldn’t it be game-changing to have a community of people who participate in events and campaigns and fundraise on your behalf? Or maybe you’ve been doing some crowdfunding… but what about crowdfundraising?
In this masterclass, we’ll take a deep dive into the power of peer-to-peer (P2P) fundraising and learn how to leverage your community’s personal networks to attract more supporters and raise more money for your cause. We’ll discuss the types of P2P and showcase some of the coolest, most successful P2P programs from around the world. We’ll also explain the costs and benefits of investing in P2P and test your organisational readiness. Bringing theory to life, the session will feature an in-depth case study from Pieta House, an Irish charity that, in its relatively short history, has developed one of the largest P2P fundraising events in the world. We’ll share successes, challenges and insights gained because the organisation chose to invest in P2P.
You’ll walk away with a solid understanding of the power of P2P fundraising as well as an action plan for how to begin a P2P program that you’ll be excited to implement when you return to the office!
Key Learning Outcomes
● Overview of the types of P2P and the level of investment needed
● Understanding the many benefits of P2P fundraising
● Conducting an organisational readiness assessment
● Creating a P2P action plan
Who should attend: Organisations that are not yet doing P2P fundraising, or those who might have tried P2P but have not had much success
Om Jillian Stewart
Jillian, the Founder and CEO of Peerworks Consulting, has helped charities all over the world optimise their peer-to-peer fundraising programmes including mass participation events, third party events, community fundraising campaigns and virtual peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns. Throughout her 19-year career in “peer-to-peer”, Jillian has been exposed to a full spectrum of concepts, strategies and tactics which she’s excited to share with you and your colleagues.
Jillian is originally from the USA (Portland, Oregon) but has been based in Amsterdam since 2012 and started Peerworks in early 2014. When she’s not helping charities change the world, Jillian is out traveling the world usually with her hiking boots, her tent and her spotted dog named Benny.
Kursen är på Engelska
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