Masterclass: ”Creating Brilliant Corporate Partnerships of Shared Value”
Anne-Marie Grey, är Executive Director och CEO för USA for UNHCR och har mer än 30 års erfarenhet av insamling och marknadsföring. Hon är en uppskattad och kunnig föreläsare med gedigen erfarenhet av strategiska samarbeten med företag.
The landscape of corporate partnerships has changed dramatically nowdays in line with the emergence of new technology, the digital disruption and the increased predominance of millennials in the workforce, as well as the rise of a more innovative and direct social impact agenda. At a time when the world is witnessing an unprecedented volume of social challenges, corporations around the world continue to seek out ways to establish corporate social responsibility programs, inform their philanthropy, contribute to social change, influence policy and improve their own bottom line. Most importantly, they continue to look for partnerships that involve a higher level of engagement and generate the co-creation of shared value – as well as partners with whom they can pool their varied resources and align their strategic interests.
This interactive masterclass, offering cutting-edge theory alongside a mix of case studies from the USA, Europe and the Middle East, will provide professionals with the skills and tools to make their corporate alliances and partnership-seeking activities more competitive, meaningful, mutually beneficial and sustainable. The session will cover current trends in corporate giving, sponsorship and cause-related marketing, as well as partnership development based on shared values.