”People have power and it’s our responsibility to help them use it to change the world” menar Paul de Gregorio som avslutar Insamlingsforum 2023 med en inspirerande föreläsning om ”Mobilisation: Engaging the public at scale” där han berättar om modellen bakom mobilisering och varför organisationer behöver förstå den bättre för att vara relevanta.
Att effektivt mobilisera allmänheten och ta vara på engagemanget är avgörande för ideella organisationer. Metoderna är många och detsamma gäller för utfallen. Men det finns organisationer som är ledande inom området. Paul de Gregorio, grundare till Rally och med lång erfarenhet av digitalt engagemang och mobiliseringsstrategier menar att insamlingsorganisationer har mycket att lära inom området. Är du nyfiken på hur, boka din plats senast 27 februari på Insamlingsforum 2023 här!
Paul har också skrivit en spaning i Giva Sveriges Trendrapport 2023, fortsätt läsa för att få ett smakprov på vad du får ta del av på Insamlingsforum 2023!
Adopting a digital mobilisation model to engage the public at scale and drive action
We [Rally] believe that taking an integrated approach to the use of digital to engage the public at scale is a huge opportunity for charities and campaign groups. We’re inspired by organisations like Greenpeace, the ACLU and various US political campaigns (e.g., Obama, Bernie Sanders, AOC) that have used digital techniques to build or harness the energy of people power to bring about the change they want to see.
At their core these organisations use their mission, vision and values to attract the support of people who share them. Once they have been attracted and their permission to communicate has been secured, supporters are given a series of valuable and useful things to do to support the shared vision.
To do this well charities need to address the issue of internal silos.
At nearly every charity conference I’ve been to there has been a session about how we need to integrate communications approaches and bust siloed ways of working. These conversations highlight the problems caused when communications, fundraising, and campaigns/advocacy teams have different objectives, budgets and ways of communicating with the same or similar audiences.
A siloed approach creates internal problems that can result in wasted budget and resources (e.g., different teams targeting the same people with different products, at times competing with each other for advertising space). More importantly, it can create a poor and inconsistent experience for the people who interact with you. This in turn has a negative impact on how well you can scale public support
We think it’s time to stop talking about these challenges and start designing new models of operation that address them. We do this by adopting a mobilisation approach, mainly but not exclusively, online. What do we mean by mobilisation? Well, the dictionary defines it as; “The action of organising and encouraging a group of people to take collective action in pursuit of a particular objective.”
The mobilisation models we encourage fuse fundraising, communications, brand activation, campaigning and advocacy offers. These activities then create opportunities for the public to engage at levels that suit their own circumstances and energy at the time.
We champion approaches that engage the public at scale by elevating values over transactional products. Those values act as a magnet to attract people who share them and inspire them to take actions to make change happen – all in a digital space. Our goal is to inspire active participation in the organisation’s mission and vision – action that requires a supporter’s time, money and voice or endorsement.
A mobilisation strategy has 4 core principles:
1: You need big numbers. The ambition to build as big a database of contactable supporters as possible should sit at the heart of your program
2: You need contactable data. Social media is great for building a community, but you are not in control of who sees your content, the algorithms are. Digital mobilisation programs have email at their core.
3: You need to communicate meaningful actions at least once a week: actions that drive impact and inspire your supporters to give you a share of their time, money or voice. Your content strategy should ask the question “What is the most impactful thing our supporters can do with us today?
4: You must focus on impact. The best way to ensure people who join you keep taking action is to show them the impact they’re having. Celebrate the wins – big and small – share the setbacks, tell the whole story. We believe adopting digital mobilisation models helps organisations achieve scale. Scale that means: More reach. More action. More money.
And ultimately, more impact.
About Paul de Gregorio:
Paul is the founder of Rally and leading digital engagement & mobilisation strategist. He has worked with charities, campaign groups and membership organisations all over the world, to deliver mobilisation, fundraising and campaigning activity that engages the public at scale and inspires them to take action.
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